We now come to you!

Welcome to our personal creations division. We started this as a way of showcasing how we use the OTHER half of our brains. Here you will find many different sewing projects, some of our favourite Diamond Dotz, a wide range of crocheted projects as well as some random one-off projects that seemed fun to do! We hope you enjoy browsing our Personal Creations!

Sewing Items Clipart

Sewing Projects

Sewing has become a passion around here. Blankets, bags, baskets, bibs and more! Almost all items are customizable, just ask!

Almost anything can be customized!

Finished Diamond Dot Picture, Colourful Swirls

Diamond Dotz

Deedee has taken her love for crafting and mixed it together with her love of sparkly things...
and Voila!

All finished Diamond Dotz have been clear coated

Crocheted Towel Toppers

Crochet Work

We tend to have a lot of fun with our crochet collection. There are so many things to make! We hope you enjoy using them as much as we enjoyed making them!

Cotton and Synthetic Yarn

Wire wrapped crystal necklaces

Random Projects

This collection consists of one-off projects that looked like they were too fun not to try!

Scatter Brain...?

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